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Breadcrumbs showing only last category in multilanguage shop

Started by Krisztian, September 05, 2014, 19:18:00 PM

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Virtuemart: 2.6.8
Joomla: 2.5.24

Dear Colleagues!

I need your kind help. I have created a webshop under Its main language is Hungarian. I want to make a complete translation into English. I have set up the Joomla multi language website in confuration. All the menu items are working well and even the webshop with Virtuemart is technically working well. However I noticed the following:

Since I set up the translation of the categories in Virtuemart and started to set up individual products in English I noticed that the breadcrumbs/pathway (which worked perfectly until the webshop only existed in its basic language of Hungarian) now only shows the last category and the product name. I give you an example:

Before: Home>Category1>Category2>Category3>Product
Now: Home>Category3>Product

Although this problem does not effect the overall workability of the webshop in both set-up languages, still it bothers me. I have looked around all the topics but unfortunately I could not find a solution to such an issue.

What is interesting that I noticed that even in Virtuemart administration the category structure is intact (all the child categories are shown OK) in the frontent in the URL (SEO turned on, but same is true when I turn it off) I can see that the system does not show the right child category structure. The URL only shows the last child category like it was a parent category. I hope you understand what I wish to describe. In the URL it should be shown like this:

.../Parent category/Child category1/Child category2/Product...

Now I can see it like this: .../Child category3/Product...

I believe the breadcrumbs module is working fine just it cannot show the real category structure. What can be the problem?

Thank you for helping me.

Best regards,
