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VM Search module, which results page?

Started by EvanGR, August 19, 2014, 20:00:35 PM

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[VM 2.6.6, J2.5.20]

Something weird about the VM Search module...

The VM Search module displays the results in a 'virtuemart categories' page I have in one of my menus. This looks weird e.g. in the breadcrumbs because the search results appear in: Home->New Products->*Search Term*

And the search results include some irrelevant results as well (maybe as a consequence).

Any way to configure/improve this?

Any way to define or tweak the search logic?


GJC Web Design

the breadcrumbs are formed in components/com_virtuemart/views/category/view.html.php

// Add the category name to the pathway
if ($category->parents) {
foreach ($category->parents as $c){
$pathway->addItem(strip_tags($c->category_name),JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id='.$c->virtuemart_category_id, FALSE));

perhaps you can tweak that
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The breadcrumbs is not the problem, the URL also reflects that the search results page is inside a random VM category page!

Basically I want the search results to be in its own URL e.g.: mysite/search/search-keywords

and definitely not: mysite/new-products/search-keywords