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Problem with plugin VM custom, stockable variant

Started by Loyin, July 25, 2014, 01:20:35 AM

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Hi good morning.

I've been using the plugin stockable variant to create variants of a product by size, in my case are different number slippers.
Everything works fine, but when adding to cart does not work good.

When I add a product No 22 adds row in the shopping cart. (All right)
I add another number of the product, 24 virtuemart adds another row to the shopping cart to buy because it is a different product. (Good)
It turns out that if I now add another product instead of No. 22, instead of putting in the first row number 2 product adds a third row with the product # 22 (Incorrect)

The right thing would be the following:
Product A # 22 - quanty [2]
Product A # 24 - quanty [1]

But what really showing in the car and it would be wrong:
Product A # 22 - quanty [1]
Product A # 24 - quanty [1]
Product A # 22 - quanty [1]

It really is not gathering the products of the same type.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you very much for your time.


Just use the dynamic child variants instead of the stockable plugin. If you just start with oyur store, consider to start directly with vm3, which enhances this drastically (and stockable plugin is removed, not necessary anylonger)
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You can use the dynamic child variants of vm2 also. The stockable plugin or the child varianat are INTERCHANGEABLE!. You can test the other without being able to go back. Everything relaxed. is atm our vm3
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