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Different pricing for each Shopper Group: Not displaying

Started by shaiqbashir, May 09, 2014, 07:22:31 AM

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I have the latest virtuemart version 2.6.0a and im having the following problem:

I have two shopper groups made in my system. One is "Regular" which is a default shopper group. The 2nd group is "Distributors". I want to assign some shoppers to distributors and then i want to set different pricing for each of these groups. But i dont know why, the different pricings are not appearing. In my shop, shoppers dont require registration to order a product. But for distributors shopper group, they should login first. But before login and after login as distributors, the price remains same.

Can you please help me out in this.



Just to more elaborate my point. Please find the attached image.

So as you can see in the image, im using two shopper groups. I have setup price of 650 PKR for Regular and 600 PKR for distributors. But the problem is that on shop frontend, only 600 PKR is being shown. Whether we are logged in as distributor or not, only 600 PKR is being shown.

Please help me in this.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


For each of your shopper groups have you turned on "Enable shoppergroup specific price display"
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Do i have to turn it on?

Which check boxes i want to select?

GJC Web Design

once you select   Enable shoppergroup specific price display  then the chk boxes under are only for "display" .. i.e. what prices u want to show in the frontend
GJC Web Design
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