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Virtuemat 2.6 Search Module categoryid problem

Started by dragonself, April 29, 2014, 03:43:14 AM

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I am using the search module come with the original vietuemart 2.6 package.
As the same as previous version (by pervious I mean a very old version that I do last year), the search module rely on category view.
Problem is for the current 2.6 version, category view force $categoryId = ShopFunctionsF::getLastVisitedCategoryId(); when we don't pass a "virtuemart_category_id" to the category view (around line 78-82 of com_virtuemart\views\category\view.html.php)
This resulting the search module is forced to search in a particular category. And also the user have no control of which category.(as by default the module code don't pass in categoryid and it must be last visited categoryid)

Searching around seem in the recent version, $categoryId must be filled in many places of the code, any reason behind?
And for the search module problem, any fix suggested? (I want to remove that line of code to assign lastvisit to categoryid, not sure it will create security problem)

Thanks in advance.


wont create a security problem
just replace the line and use the value 0. That should work.
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