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Manufacturer links not showing products

Started by pantsuk, March 18, 2014, 19:04:27 PM

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Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I have K2 installed but not K2Mart

I just set the debug to report when I try to edit a manufactuer and this is what it reported, I thought it might help

vmdebug $siteLang: en-GB self::$_jpConfig->lang en_gb
vmdebug vmTime: loadConfig db no: 0.00259518623352051
vmdebug Start used Ram 4.25M
vmdebug Check returned false VmTableData #__virtuemart_manufacturers
vmdebug vmTime: VirtueMartControllerManufacturer Finished task manufacturer: 0.0233480930328369
vmdebug End used Ram 5.25M
vmdebug Peak memory peak 5.25M
vmdebug $siteLang: en-GB self::$_jpConfig->lang en_gb
vmdebug vmTime: loadConfig db no: 0.00259304046630859
vmdebug Start used Ram 4.5M
vmdebug vmTime: VirtueMartControllerManufacturer Finished task manufacturer: 0.22674298286438
vmdebug End used Ram 10.5M
vmdebug Peak memory peak 10.5M

vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.
Manufacturer successfully saved


Are you shure that the error comes from the Backend while entering a new manufacturer. I could imagine that it comes from a different place. Are all necessary data inside the shop configuration? If there is something missing in case of vendor, such an error may occur.


I am not sure what you mean by that,

The problem not only happens when I add or edit a manufacturer but also the manufacturer category and when i add /edit payment methods

I must admit to now being a bit out of my depth with this  but i need to get it sorted  so i can start to promote my site and add the new manufactuers  whos products i need to sell


I just mean, did you enter all necessary things into the shop configuration in BE and that shopowner is vendor? If there is something wrong in that Shop configuration (something mandatory is missing for example), such an error can occur. The error message is a little bit misleading in that case, because the error source is somewhere else.


As far as I can see all the BE settings are ok I vendor is store owner etc

These settings have not been changed  since the original site was functioning properly before the original problem of missing products mentioned at the start of the thread happened


Hi Guys I have still not resolved the issue and I am completely lost now

I checked that I have super administator rights  so that isnt the problem

I can delete a manufactuer, a product category, a payment method etc but I still cant edit or create new ones  without the error message

vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.

I have a couple of hundred new products I need to add which isnt a problem but I cant create the categories or manufacturers for them


WE may have some insight into this issue. What PHP version are you using on the server?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


The problem did not exist until I upgraded to VM 2.026d and still exists on VM2.5.4

The info from our server control panel is

cPanel Version   11.42.0 (build 24)
Theme   x3
Apache version   2.2.22
PHP version   5.2.17
MySQL version   5.1.73-cll
Architecture   x86_64
Operating system   linux

Hope this helps


That looks like it! Your PHP version is too old. The minimum requirement now for VM (and very soon for Joomla) is a minimum of PHP5.3.10  - and recommended for J2.5 is 5.4+

See these
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Hi, I just wanted to update you. I have updated the PHP on our server to the latest stable version available and "fingers crossed" this seems to have solved my problem. I have also updated VM to the version

Thank you so much for your patience with me and for your invaluable help