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copy a product from one language to another

Started by Jens Pedersen, January 17, 2014, 14:34:02 PM

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Jens Pedersen

Hi All
Thank for all the good input  :)
I have created a store with 2 languages​​, the first thing I did was to create categories and products in the first language.
but when I change joomla and Virtuemart to the other language of the shop is obviously empty for products.
Is there are some who know how to create a copy of all products from one language to another?.
My plan is that I will translate manually when the products have come into the other language.
and then i will have products in 2 languages.
thank you


An easy way to do this is to select xxxxx_virtuemart_products_xx_xx of your first language in phpMyadmin (Usually I prefer to use HeidiSQL, because it has a more user-friendly interface) and export your product table. (You may also enable the 'Add drop table' option in the 'Export' view, but at the moment I'm not shure if this is necessary when using phpMyadmin). Then open the exported file in an editor like Notepad or Notepad++ and 'Search and replace' for example all da_dk language tags with en_gb and save the file with en_gb at the end. Afterwards go to phpMyadmin again, click on your second language product table and import the adjusted file.

Test on a local copy first to make shure you don't screw up your database!
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?