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Children products name and the generic child variant inputbox layout

Started by MarioP, December 30, 2013, 20:50:26 PM

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I have a problem with generic child variant inputbox layout, specifically - with width of that customfield. I have long names of the child products and the part of the box is outside of the site (pic.1). Of course it should be look like this (pic.2). I've tried to change the .inputbox class by adding width:100% (it helps) but it also affects on the other elements of the site (pagination box, currency selector box) - it's not good for them ... What can I do?

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Somebody can help me find out where ( in which file ) I can alter the parameter from class="width60 floatleft"
(see pic.3). In mvsite-ltr.css we have only something like this:
but in which file can I adjust the value?

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/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl  default.php

<div class="width60 floatleft">
echo $this->loadTemplate('images');


<div class="width40 floatright">