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Manufacturer on the Cart Page

Started by qb-virtue, December 18, 2013, 16:11:59 PM

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What is the proper code to pull the Manufacturer onto the Cart/Checkout page? It is not there by default so I know I will have to create an override of the cart page. I am looking into default_pricelist.php as I want to add the manufacturer before the name of the product.

This code works for me (generally) throughout the entire software, including the "Add to Cart" popup window, but it does not work on the Cart/Checkout page itself.
<h2><?php echo JHTML::link ($product->link$product->mf_name '<br /><span class="product">'$product->product_name); ?></span></h2>.

On the checkout page, it looks like all the information is just stored in a differently named array but just changing it like so, this does not work:
<?php echo $prow->mf_name ?>

And this one seems to crash the whole page:

<?php echo $prow->$product->mf_name ?>

We are on Joomla 2.5.11
Virtuemart 2.0.26

Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this?? We need the manufacturer name to display next to the product name to complete the name of the product in this store. Ex: Manufacturer Product Name in Mr. T Pain's Anti Itch and Dandruff Shampoo.