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Users are unable to register or activate

Started by quadbsys, December 02, 2013, 18:53:52 PM

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Users cannot register to the site through the Account Maintenance link. It is very peculiar. The page just refreshes with no confirmation or error messages and user account is NOT created in Virtuemart backend or in Joomla administration. When creating an account to checkout, it makes the account, but activation link does not work.

I have tried:

  • We have enabled User Registration in Joomla backend
  • have the correct url in the site config menu.


  • Site is running in a subdomain. Does VM have any known issue with this? Everything else seems to work fine
  • I do have sh404sef installed. All other VM areas work so I don't think this is the problem. Sh404 is set to not manage VM links
  • We applied a template override JUST to get rid of the "TOS" box. No error appears about accepting the TOS to make an account though so I don't think this is the problem
  • Not on very latest VM 2 but we cannot upgrade just at this point. I did not see a changelog to know if there was an issue with the registration

Here is our site URL: *hide*
When you register here (the Account Details) page it does not seem to work. However, registering while checking out does work and account is created fine.

VM: 2.0.24
Joomla!: Latest 2.5.16

GJC Web Design

To track these sorts of issues start from square one -
switch off your sef, sh404, disable your over-rides, use the Beez template and test - if works great.. then start enabling stuff till it stops .
If it doesn't then at least you've elimated all those possibilities
then you are 50% of the way to finding it

VM: 2.0.24 to VM: 2.0.24c is pretty minor - mainly sorting and categories stuff - would update anyway - I have had no problems on these upgrades..

Having said all that I just registered successfully twice from
(I used dummy emails so haven't the act-links) but it came back with the message

Registration Completed!

Your account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link when you get the e-mail before you can login.

by the by also noticed that if I fault the password match it returns from validation with this link

maybe this is a better link to use? If there is a problem looks sef related
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Thank you so much for your insight. I will do so. It is strange but when I register now it seems fine. For right now, I have disabled the Activation emails and it is working as it should.