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OpenSourceMatters, Mambo and Mambo-phpshop

Started by iris7, August 18, 2005, 19:58:26 PM

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Lol nice layout!  :) Am looking forward to more English content though ^^
Back again! :) September 12th 2006

Don't worry about absolute urls! If you move your images around you can use this to update your database links!

Why not join the virtuemart IRC channel at #virtuemart on


Glad to hear that you are down with the transition Soeren - it means alot to many of us.  You have worked very hard and are dedicated, that is clear. 

Can't wait to her the name chosen. 

I had hesitated to install and develop using the Mambo-phpshop edition release for some new projects, but given your comments and the quality of the development community of Joomla, I am confident that Joomla and phpShop will also be supported at the same high level.

Thank you very much - look forward to all the new things going on. 


Hi Soeren,

waiting your news about VirtueMart release, I want ask you to help us here,1653.0.html inviting you on a CB good collaboration

Waiting your opinion and reply, many thanks ...  :)