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Sef Problem with virtuemart

Started by Nagaraj, November 05, 2013, 10:22:44 AM

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I am using virtuemart 2.0.24. Installed two templates in my site and created two menu items for cart pages of each template. When I click on
add to cart button from any template it always redirecting to "/view-cart" , even though it has two menu items with different alias names.
This happen only when the sef urls enabled from joomla global configuration.

I find the problem, it is occurring with virtuemart configuration >  seo > seo disabled option. When I check this it working fine but virtuemart pagination not working. In my previous search for pagination problem the forum suggests enable the seo disable option but now template switching issue occurring because of seo.  How can I overcome these issues.
Please suggest the solution.

Version details:
PHP:  5.3.23
MySql: 5.5.32
Virtuemart: 2.0.24

Thanks in Advance