PCI Compliance for Offline Credit Card Payments via PCI Extension

Started by kellyguru, October 17, 2013, 17:18:28 PM

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Hey there, I am looking to process credit card payments through my website - the site is created in Joomla 2.5 and has Virtuemart 2 in it.
I have the plugin that would give me the ability to get the credit card information from the consumer and process it offline - this plugin is PCI compliant ( http://extensions.virtuemart.net/payments/offline-credit-card-processing-detail ).

I am wondering if, besides a dedicated IP and SSL certificate, if you know if there is anything else I have to do to be fully able to process credit card payments offline and be PCI compliant. I have looked through the PCI website but, because my situation is somewhat uncommon, I am having trouble finding answers