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Problem with rounded prices display in mails

Started by mikramer, October 13, 2013, 11:15:06 AM

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In a web site that uses VM2, there was a need to raise all prices by 4.5%.
This was done using a Tax & Calculation rule, all products prices were given a rule of price increase +4.5000%
The price for the customer should be rounded to an integer. To do so, in the configuration section under pricing we have selected "Show Price" for Base price + Final sales price, with 0 rounding gidits.
The prices in the shop look fine, but we have a problem with the automated mail sent after the purchase, the TOTAL is fine but the price per each product is not rounded (for example  it shows Price 228.86$, Total 229$)
We were suggested that there is a problem with the PHP, but we have an updated version - 5.3.23.

Any suggestion?