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Customer Payment, Delivery and Pricing Options

Started by redback, September 27, 2013, 07:02:12 AM

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Whilst I know Virtuemart has shopper groups is the following possible;

Customer Group 1
Payment Options - Account, Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 0%, 3%, 5% or 7% on total order

Customer Group 2
Payment Options - Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 0%, 3%, 5% or 7% on total order

Other customer groups are a mix of the above. I figure if the above can be done then other mixes of customer groups would not be a problem.


Maxim Pishnyak

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Ah yes I see my mistake. It should be;

Customer Group 1
Payment Options - Account, Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 0%

Customer Group 2
Payment Options - Account, Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 3% on total order

Customer Group 3
Payment Options - Account, Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 5% on total order

Customer Group 4
Payment Options - Account, Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 7% on total order

Customer Group 5
Payment Options - Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 0%

Customer Group 6
Payment Options - Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 3% on total order

Customer Group 7
Payment Options - Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 5% on total order

Customer Group 8
Payment Options - Credit Card, COD
Delivery Options - Pickup (comment box who picks up - customer or courier) or Delivery (comment box - delivery address)
Price Discount - 7% on total order

I think I am ok with adding the payment options and the price discount but unsure how to go about the Delivery Options.


Maxim Pishnyak

You could assign shopper group to a shipment methods.
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