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Unknown order status

Started by RolandT, August 20, 2013, 15:16:33 PM

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I'm using Joomla 2.5.11 and Virtuemart 2.0.22a and I'm having trouble with order statuses. Especially with the "Pending" one. When an order is placed, VM simultaneously creates 2 order statuses: first is the default status "Pending" and the second is "COM_VIRTUEMART_UNKNOWN_ORDER_STATUS".
I have configured the checkout process so, that the order status "to send email to shopper" and "to create an invoice" is set to "Pending", but in the orders menu the "Pending" status has "No" in the "Shopper Notified?" column. The unknown_order_status has "Yes" in it, but no emails are sent to customers. If I manually change the order status to "Pending", a third status row appears and the invoice with pdf is sent.

How can I get rid of the unknown_order_status and configure VM so, it sends invoices automatically?


I managed to solve my problem with restoring Virtuemart's system to defaults (under the Tools ->Tools & Migration -> DB Tools).
It turned out, that this unknown order status was caused or somehow related to the fact that I deleted some of the default order statuses. As I learned of searching through the VM forum, one should not mess around with the default order statuses. If you do not need some of them, then simply don't publish them, but do not delete them. I managed to restore the original order statuses by clicking the "Restore System Defaults" (I also tried the "Install or if necessary update tables", but this made no difference). This deleted shipment and payment methods, but kept the products and orders intact (I was very worried, that this was going to wipe all my data out). And now the unknown_order_status is gone and VM sends invoices automatically.

As a bonus, I discovered that the "Can't process workflow, contact the shopowner. Status isU" error was also gone. So I managed to kill two birds with one stone.
