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Not showing Price, TAx, Discount anh Total in Checkout Step 4 Vm 2.0.22c J 2.5

Started by liemoffline, September 10, 2013, 17:13:15 PM

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I have a problem with Vm 2.0.22c Joomla 2.5 , when go to Checkout Step 4, Name   SKU   Price:   Quantity / Update   Tax   Discount   Total, Only show Name, SKU and Quantity others remain not show.
Please help me!
Thank you very much!
Please see my attachment for details!

[attachment cleanup by admin]


The add to cart is not working correctly. YOu are loading 3 different versions of jQuery - you should only load one. This may help:

Also your template overrides may not be correctly coded for the security updatesd added in 2.0.22c. For some information on that see
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I've unchecked
Activate Css Styles & Javascripts
Use Fancybox   
Using the VirtueMart CSS   
Using the VirtueMart jQuery   
Using the product Scripts   
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions   
Use jQuery chosen for dropdowns in FE   
Use external google jQuery library   
but nothing happen!
Any idea?


I already solved this problem , because template is not compatible with new Joomla and Virtuemart version. On the other hand, vi-VN lang pack is not suitable for it. I use en-GB and translate it bay myself, now it's oK! Thanks a lot!