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Most recent version voor Joomla 1.5

Started by trebor1, September 18, 2013, 11:06:36 AM

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One of our customers still has Joomla 1.5 and runs a VirtueMart (1.1.9) webshop. The company asked us to update the shop, but to what version is it possible to update VirtueMart?

(and yes, after that we will make a plan to upgrade the site to Joomla 3.1. But this is a new customer so I need a quick fix  ;D)


There is no secure version to use with Joomla 1.5 - VirtueMart 2.0.20b "should" work but will need testing and has known security issues. The recommended versions for a secure store is currently Joomla 2.5.14 with VirtueMart 2.0.22d (2.0.22e will be available soon).

A J3 version is not available yet.

In addition you will need to check that the Joomla 1.5 version used by the client is 1.5.26 with the "unofficial" security patch.

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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