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Order status is pending by default.

Started by suvendu, August 22, 2013, 11:40:36 AM

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I am using virtuemart 2.0 and joomla 2.5.4 .

When i place order via paypal the payment gets successfully completed.But user or vendor doesn't get any order confirmation email.User doesn't also receive confirmation of payment email from paypal. When i check the order status page it shows pending, When i change the order status to confirmed manually email is sent out to buyer and vendor with the pruduct purchase confirmation.

I have checked for pluginresponse and it is fine.

check the log

2013-08-21 05:27:11
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 2342019

2013-08-21 05:35:32
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 6854020

2013-08-21 06:14:45
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 0cda021

2013-08-21 06:55:58
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 454e022

2013-08-21 07:24:32
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: e014023

2013-08-21 07:31:02
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 0c6d024

I am unsure why this is happening.
Thanks all in advance.


VirtueMart 2.0 is about 18 months old. Are you really using that olde version? Current release is 2.0.22b
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Hello anybody there to resolve my issue. I am really need URGENT!!!!!!!!!!! help.If somebody having issue to understand the issue i can explain the issue in some better way if possible.

Maxim Pishnyak

QuoteIn VM Configuration/Shop try turning on/off "Use the vendor email address" and make sure that you have correct entries for "Default Order Status to send email to vendor " in Configuration/Checkout.
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