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Review not saved?

Started by BlueOwl, August 19, 2013, 10:19:36 AM

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Hi there!

Virtuemart version: 2.0.20b
Joomla: 2.5.14
Yootheme Master Template, actual version

We cannot get the product reviews working. When I activate them in backend with following settings:

show to everyone
activate system for customers who bought the product

So when testing, I see the window to add product reviews. I write something and choose the stars, press save (or similar, our shop is in german) and there comes the message, that review was saved. But when I go to backend, there is none, and in database also not. (I have tested several combinations with star count and word count, none helped)

I have turned Joomla debugging on, and after adding the review, I do not see any database action related to that, only selects and the update of the session table.

I checked in Developer tools, there was some javascript errors first, I fixed them already with the jquery easy plugin, and with language debug was some language errors, I had them fixed also. But still the reviews are not saved in database

Also I cannot see in developer tools that there is some request sent to the in javascript (but I see no javascript errors)

Can anybody help me here? Happy to do some more debugging, if anyone have ideas about it!!

Link to our site (reviews not active now)

Maxim Pishnyak

Could you check your issue on Beez template?
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First of all we need to find where is the problem:
Can You perform some tests and tell the result? ()It seems to me cache but...)
Turn on review system.
try to disable third party extensions
1) disable "Uygunmedya "Tab" Plugin", disable joomla cache, disable css + js cache (under joomla purge cache and delete all cache)
2)  rename default.php and default_reviews.php  in Your template override for product details : /templates/[your template name]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php (default_reviews.php)

Can You activate review?
p.s. Do not forget to change message icon to Solved.


Hi there!

First, thank you very much.

And sorry, I forgot to mention, I have already tested the situation described above with the beez5 template also.

I did the mentioned above.

I disabled the uyguntab plugin (just clicking the circle)
Cache was already off because I have a  problem with the breadcrumbs not actualizing with cache on), I deactivated template cache and gzip.

I deleted all cache and purged expired cache.

I also deleted browser cache


In my template overrides I have no directory productdetails, in

/templates/[your template name]/html/com_virtuemart/

there is only


but yootheme uses warp framework, so in


there is no com_virtuemart directory.

I tested this all on a actual localhost copy which I just updated to virtuemart 2.0.22a, but no change at all.

Should I update the live server and enable reviews with which settings?

Thx so much


Can You disable cache (do not forget to clean) and activate review on live site to test?
p.s. Do not forget to change message icon to Solved.


Ok, thank you so much, Cache is disabled, and the review system is activated with following settings:

show all and activate for those who has bought a product

But, strange, now everybody is able to write a review? I thought this would be activated only if you have bought the product, and I know I haven't one of those I tested... strange..



is there any news on this? I'd rather set the ratings off, since they do not work.

Can you look at this please? Thanks so much

Maxim Pishnyak

Maybe it's cos you have gzip used - /cache/template/gzip.php?jquery.noConflict-5966d14d.js

You could pm me access.
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Thanks so much, I sent you a pm with details.

I deactivated the gzip, sorry I forgot that on, and made the upgrade to the latest version 22b. All caches deactivated and deleted.

Still the review is just not saved in database.

Maxim Pishnyak

As admin and not superadmin I couldn't help you much. I turned off jquery easy, could you check now?
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Thank you so much!

First, sry for the wrong access, now you should have super admin rights.

I had the jquery first installed, as it was not working, because I received a jquery error on product page, which was corrected by jquery easy. Now the error is back again (since jqueryease is deactivated)

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'on'

At this time the error comes from the warp framework, but I remember first time it was from something else. Should be a "normal" jquery conflict, I do not think it has something to do with the error.

But, anyway, I tested again, no change. It says review saved, but in backend is nothing...  :'(

Maxim Pishnyak

In Joomla configuration Database Settings -> Database Type 'Mysqli' option is chosen. Backup your website and try more preferred option 'Mysql'.
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Thank you so much.

This is so strange. I changed the Database, emptied all cache, from Browser too.

Made a order and tried the review again. No change.

I activated the jquery easy plugin. No change.

I am wondering, I checked the ACL configuration for the virtuemart component. I found that there is a "reviews and ratings" part in tab "products". The control for public was inherited, also not allowed. But this applies only to the "reviews&ratings" backend management? (I tested also, allowed the access for public, but it had not changed anything)

How can this be? Is it normal that on frontend debug modus there is no sql-insert or update statement when adding a review??

Thanks so much, if I can help or debug or try any more, please let me know!

I deactivate the reviews now over the weekend, if you need to check there more, feel free to activate them temporarily!

Maxim Pishnyak

It's necessary for you to update your VM.
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