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show different tax rules separated in cart (2.0.20c)

Started by rbunni, September 19, 2013, 12:35:32 PM

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i have a virtuemart shop (v 2.0.20c). for the german market i have two different tax rules, +%7 and +%19. currently the cart shows all taxes at once, Is there a way to have the following shown in the cart:
PRODUCT A: net price 10EUR
PRODUCT B: net price 20EUR

TAX 7% 0,70EUR
TAX 19% 3,80 EUR

also i would like to show the name of the tax rule in the product pages so that you know which tax rule is being applied to a product:

Productpage a)
PRODUCT A (incl. 7% tax): 10,70EUR

Productpage b)
PRODUCT B (incl. 19% tax): 23,80EUR

Thanks for any hints!!



For the first question:
Choose 'Tax per bill'. This will have the result you ask for.

For the second part: I'm looking for exactly the same. I want to show the calculation/tax rule name on the product detail page.
So far no luck, but if I find something I'll let you know.

Maybe some one else can help on this one? Thanks!


Hello, same problem here. Thanks for your solution Sander. I did as you said but then the tax is no longer shown for the single products. Which is even worse than not having it split up in the cart. For the german market the tax MUST be included on the product page and then also be shown in the cart.

So, this is unfortunately leading nowhere. Can someone else help maybe


The problem with tax per product is that it gets rounded. So if a product costs € 0,24 (yes I have such products in my shop) and the taxt is 6% the price per product is: € 0,25.
If someone orders 100 pcs. the total is 50 * 0,25 = 25,-.
The actual price should be: 50 * 0,24 = 24. Plus 6% tax is 25,44.

That's why I chose to calculate tax AFTER total. Checking 'round only display' only shows the correct tax in total. Tax per product still shows rounded (see screens).

Is it possible to show the right tax per product (in cart)? As it is now I prefer the second option because it is less confusing.
If I could show the tax amount per product (in product details) it would be also fine for me (for example: Price (excl. 6% tax): 0,24.


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