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Field validation in Virtuemart admin

Started by Genius WebDesign, August 21, 2012, 19:05:32 PM

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Genius WebDesign


This is something I have been trying to find out for a long time, but I never found the answer..

I want to make specific fields "required" in the backend of Virtuemart, specifically the "SKU" field and the "weight" field.
I other words I need a validator to kick in if I try to save a product when the SKU field is empty or if the weight field is 0.

I know this is probably easier than I think, but I hope that someone can tell me what I need to do to make this work.


Unfortunately, I have stumbled into the same issue and it's not so easy as it seems. The product_edit.php page requires the jQuery.validationEngine plugin, but when the product is saved no check is performed. Either something is incomplete, or I am missing something.
If I found something I will report back.
If anyone else has any suggestions about how to make an admin field required, that would be appreciated.
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter