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How to synchronize two sites based on Virtuemart 2.0?

Started by borro, July 11, 2013, 13:48:02 PM

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I'm planning to create the second site with the same catalog of products. The main distinction is that second site will differ from the first one by absence of selling fucntional.
Here comes a question how to synchronize only product catalog between them?

My ideas:
1. Bad idea - Periodically recover site from the akeeba archive of the first site and then tune it to make it different.
2. А little better idea -  Copy new images via ftp and data from tables describing products via sql dump files and PhpMyAdmin. As many sql dump files as many tables, describing catalog...

Is there more simple way for sуnchronization of only product catalog information between two Virtuemart 2.0 shops?
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