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US Tax by Zip Code

Started by preardon007, June 21, 2013, 04:22:49 AM

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I've been searching for days and see no solution to this - I need the ability to set tax rates by zip code in order for Virtuemart to be viable for use in the United States. New York has almost 2800 zip codes. I have a table of all of them and the related tax code. Without the ability to set rules based on nothing but a state, Virtuemart is completely useless. Has anyone come across a solution? We need another field pointing at zip codes. Please advise or point me in the direction of another shopping cart maybe.



Hmmm  3 posts into your time at this forum and
QuoteVirtuemart is completely useless
for you already - maybe that was a little hasty? 

Not sure what your search string was but this took not so long.  Maybe you should start your search at the home page of the forum, rather than in a particular area, I sometimes find that this helps.

If you search the forums you will find a  solution:-

This, for example, may be a great starting point.


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Ah yes I found that after a while. I have a sales request in to them as well as a phone call. If it ends up being a viable solution I will post here.


Glad you are back on track!

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1