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Product link

Started by patrik60, March 01, 2013, 16:40:24 PM

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I have bought the sprint extension to generate a pricelist of my products. I have tried to link the products in the list to the detail view by using the following code:

->url JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$product->virtuemart_category_id); 

<a href="<?php echo $product->url ?>"><?php echo $product->product_name ?></a>

It works fine as long as a product has an image. If there is no product image the link only leads to the category overview. Since the developer of the extension couldn't help me I'm asking here in the general questions board. Maybe someone could give me a hint.



Does anybody have an idea?

VM 2.0.20b
J 2.5.9


I dont see how this could be the case.

There is NOTHING about the image in that code above.


QuoteThere is NOTHING about the image in that code above

Yes, and this is a correct code as it is used in most VM modules or third developer extensions to link a product. Just in gSprint it doesn't work. So there must be somewhere else in a file some code which prevents this common code to work correctly.