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Best place to start learning to develop add-to-cart from custom layout

Started by scottfennell, March 07, 2013, 19:57:44 PM

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I have this REALLY weird thing I have developed for other e-commerce systems (wp e-commerce and shopify so far).  I'm being asked to integrate it into a VirtueMart shop.

Client is running virtueMart2.

Here's an example of it:

Basically, I need to be able to use a javascript call to add an line to the cart contents when the user clicks the submit button.

My client actually is not concerned about tying it in with an inventory system; he just needs to see:  "Product X, Color Y, Size Z" in the order form.

So, the heart of this question is, where in the documentation can I learn how to influence the cart contents via a javascript call?

EDIT:  Okay, so to be clear, it doesn't have to be a JS call.  I was assuming VirtueMart ran an ajax add-to-cart or similar, but it looks like it fires a new page load when you add to cart, so that's fine.  Whichever way.