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Bug or bad configuration

Started by vueloman, November 17, 2012, 11:27:38 AM

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Using Joomla 2.5.8 and Virtuemart 2.0.14 I have tow litle problems and I don't know if it is a bug or an erroneous configuration or if only I have this problems.

  • I'm using custom fields, with the type cart attribute  and different prices. If I'm not log in, the price in the custom list  is correct with tax, but if I log in the price in the list is without tax, all other prices are correct and the change of the amount in sales price also is correct.

  • If I activate the Joomla user friendly URLs, in the cart of Virtuemart I can't introduce a direction without registration. I always end in the Joomla registration page.
Thanks for information


Sounds like a misconfiguration. Dont set shoppergroups in your tax settings.

I am sorry, I do not understand the second problem. The cart should lead to the vm registration page and only if the address data is missing, so returning customers just get the address they have already.
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Quote from: Milbo on November 17, 2012, 12:46:05 PM
Sounds like a misconfiguration. Dont set shoppergroups in your tax settings.
I'm in Spain and I need different groups, I have:
-anonymous- without country or state 21% all OK
tow times the same shoppergoup (default) but with different taxes 21% for Spain and 0% for Canary Islands. In this groups I selected: 1. Spain and the states for the continent 2. Spain and the Canary Islands states.

For the 2 problem I will try a new test installation.


What do you mean "don't set shopper groups in tax settings".  Does this functionality not work? 


It does work, but the tax rate will only be seen and applied to shoppers who are logged in and are a member of that shopper group. That tax will not be applied to shoppers who are not logged in or have been put in a different shopper group. If no entry is made for the shopper group in the tax rule than it will be seen and applied to all.
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I'm looking at the way to implement this too.

So I create 2 tax rules:

21% and assign it to spain and to all states except canary islands
0% and assign it to spain and only canary islands.

This works for the shipping and 0% tax is applied, however the tax per product is still applied.


I have changed the type of tax to TaxBill in both rules and that makes the product get the correct tax applied, 0% for canary island and 21% for Spain.

However in the shipping costs with "apply generic rules" set it applies no tax to the shipping.

Any help?

Maybe these has something to do



I have the same result after literally hours of trying different combinations - vat tax by user group doesn't work.


Don't worry I tested for hours too and the max I could get is the product to show 0% tax.

The shipping method with "apply generic rules" will always apply some tax even if the customer is from the canary islands (previously set to assign 0)

So generic rules don't work in the shipping rates?