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Istraxx Quantity Plugin: Multiple Products

Started by sniklewerks, June 25, 2012, 16:45:02 PM

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I have been able to apply a % discount to a category and when I add lets say 10 items to my cart it applies the discount.

What I am looking to do is if you add 5 of one product and 5 of another in the same category it will apply the discount to both items.

Blue Baby Shoes $2.00 ea.
Pink Baby Shoes $2.00 ea.
>10 Blue Baby Shoes 10% off ($1.80)
>10 Pink Baby Shoes 10% off ($1.80)
5 Blue Baby Shoes in cart
5 Pink Baby Shoes in cart

10% off for all.

Does that make sense?

If so could someone please shed some light on how I might do this using the Istraxx Quantity Plugin


: )


I am in the same boat.  I'm confused because you can set the calculation to Price Modifier Before Tax Per Bill and you'd think that the rules would still apply.  So you'd set a modus of %12 and for every 12 products they discount would be applied across the whole bill but it only applies the discount once.  Any help is appreciated.
Small Business Joomla! Website Design - Simple CMS Design


Did anyone get an answer to this.   I am in need of this functionality!

Joomla 2.x and Virtuemart 2.x


Hi Sniklewerks,

did you ever find a solution for this? I have exactly the same issue over here on my webshop (Joomla 2.5, VM 2.6.6. and iStraxx quantity related pricing)...


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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