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Stock Issues - Adding more than available stock to cart

Started by evolution, January 06, 2013, 22:13:54 PM

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I figured I finally had stockable plugin all sorted and then the client pointed out a couple of issues. After two days of searching, trying things and pulling my hair out I've resorted to asking for help :)

VM Vers 2.0.16
Joomla 2.5.8
Gavick esport template (lastest update)

Example product:

OK, I have products set up like this

Product (parent) -> Size (Stockable plugin child with number of items)

If there are 2 items left in stock and the shopper tries to enter more than 2 by updating the quantity number, then they are stopped from doing this.
However, if someone leaves the quantity at 1 and then hits 'add to cart' 5 times, it will add five items to the cart and through to checkout.

I doubt many people actually shop this way, but the client picked it up.

Any ideas of how to get around this?

Cheers and Happy New Year

Thomas Ahrnberg

We are having the some problem, hope we can get a solution soon.

The problem will also be there if there more people buying the same product, before one of them checkout,