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Problems to update Virtuemart 2.0.16

Started by firefox_mig, January 04, 2013, 17:49:49 PM

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Joomla 2.5.8
PHP 5.3.3
Mysql 5.1.66
Now 2.0.14

Hello all,

I´ve a problem to update Virtuemart 2.0.14 to 2.0.16. The problem is once updated updating plugin database in AIO appears this error Atención: aun tiene viejas extensiones de VM activas, desinstálelas o desactívelas, translated to English Attention: extensions still have old active VM, uninstall or disable them. I don´t know why it happen the error.

Also i´ve seen that appears duplicate plugins
Whats is new and old plugins? Anyone could help me?




enable your vmdebug, then you see the extensions making trouble
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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Hello Milbo!

I enabled vmdebug and it appears nothing :'(

and when i refresh in frontend  appears this error

Thanks and regards


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


I´ve installed VM 2.0.16c and it´s the same error. I don´t know why it occurs this. I started to install from Virtuemart from 2.0.6 and update each version. Also i deactivated all virtuemart plugins and delete caché and the same error.


Exactly the same error?
and what says your error log?
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Hello Milbo!

Yes, it´s the same error. In the file log says nothing. Translate "contraseña invalida" is "invalid password" but there isn´t any error about VM. It´s strange..

#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2012-12-23 23:14:57 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 11.4.0 Stable [ Brian Kernighan ] 03-Jan-2012 00:00 GMT

#Fields: date   time   priority   clientip   category   message
2012-12-23   23:14:57   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña inválida
2012-12-23   23:28:29   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña inválida
2012-12-24   00:37:20   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña vacia no permitida.
2012-12-25   20:48:01   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña inválida
2012-12-27   01:43:13   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña vacia no permitida.
2012-12-29   18:04:25   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña inválida
2012-12-29   18:04:29   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña inválida
2012-12-29   18:04:44   INFO   Joomla FAILURE:    Contraseña inválida
