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Layout of Klarna on product detail page

Started by orangia, March 18, 2013, 16:34:21 PM

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I am using Klarna methods in a shop (VM 2.0.20b, Joomla 2.5.9).

The part payment shows up at the product detail page just above the price.
1. When clicking on the picture the partpaymentbox still shows in front of the picture (check the picture attached).
2. If I want to move the Klarna-box next to or below the description? Or at least below the price, in what file do I do that? Or is it possible to remove the box from the product detail page and only show it in the cart?

Thanks for help!
/ Johanna

[attachment cleanup by admin]
/ Johanna
Orangia AB


I found the answer myself and thought to let you know if someone else is trying too:

Moving the code below from above the price to where on the page you want it in the file default.php in components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl/.

if (is_array($this->productDisplayPayments)) {
foreach ($this->productDisplayPayments as $productDisplayPayment) {
echo $productDisplayPayment . '<br />';

Regards, Johanna
/ Johanna
Orangia AB