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Please exsplain pricing in VM product listings

Started by TomaG, October 30, 2012, 04:19:17 AM

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The person I am building a website for and I are not understanding what we should put in the boxes for Cost price, Base Price, final Price, over ride in the Poduct priceing box of Virtue Mart and all my searches are not getting it answered.

He does not want to add tax but we do need wholesale and retail prices to appear in the final price when it goes to paypal.

He is a fishing lure manufacturer and will need different prices for wholesale to venders, bulk prices for commercial fishermen and lodges and retail for the general public.

I also need to find plugins to calculate shipping cost that works with VM

We are in Canada and believe most sales will be in Canada and the US but would like to make the lures available to anyone.

Any help with any of this would be greatly appreciated.

The site is



Is far as I have understood the Cost Price is the price the customer will pay based on the choosen currency.

Base Price will be the same as Cost Price, but recalculated to the currency you use in the shop. The Final Price will be the price after Tax rules etc.

However I think this is unlogical, because when I translate "Cost Price" to Swedish it is the same as the price we buy the goods from our suppliers. I think a better name would be "Sell Price" or something like that and that Cost Price should be a new field where we could fill in the price we have from our suppliers. The Inventory should be based on the suppliers prices not the price our customers pay. With a real "Cost Price" and "Sell Price" we also could calculate the price margins.

Or have I missed something?

