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Custom language translation without transifex?

Started by Edvinas, April 13, 2014, 13:56:30 PM

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Hello, I am an long time Joomla user, however I quite recently installed the newest Joomla install pack. I am willing to translate default English pack, leave it in English but make custom adjustments. The problem is, as I am quite "green" with Transifex, that I cannot find language files in the supposed folder, instead of virtuemart.sys and as I understood Transifex offers easy "set up" translations of every language. It would be great if I would be able to translate languages in the old fashioned way, how to do it? I tried adding those missing files, but it seems that system is looking for them eslewehere.


From your description it is not clear which exact versions of Joomla and VirtueMart you are using, which language you want to use and which translations you want to change. If you want your own language customizations, you should use Joomla language overrides instead of changing the original translations.
VirtueMart Language packs in various languages are available here:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hello, well I am using Joomla 2.5 and newest virtuemart version. The problem is that I cannot find virtuemart translation files in languages folder (en-gb), however language is displayed, I added similar files from previous website I had, as I though it will override it, but no, it's still not working. Maybe translation files have benn moved to another place? I want to translate checkout.


I still have to guess which language you want to use. Since you are using krona as the currency in your cart, I suppose you want to use Swedish or Icelandic. VirtueMart is almost completely (97 or 98 percent) translated into both languages and both are available for translation on Transifex:

In VirtueMart 2.6 some language files were moved into VM components, plugin or module folders. For example the frontend en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini now is located in the folder your-root-folder/components/com_virtuemart/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini

But if you install a language pack, the translated ini files currently are still installed in the Joomla frontend and backend language folders.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?