Editing or Adding Text, Links, or Info. to Emailed Purchase Order (Invoice)

Started by RevoLion, October 19, 2012, 02:35:52 AM

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I have searched and searched for this resulting in not finding very clear information on this. I did find one thread that got pretty close, but I know with individuals out there that need a little more hand holding it can be overwhelming and hard to understand. That is why i am starting this thread for a more in depth SIMPLE  conversation about how to edit, add text, links or just simple information you want to communicate to your customers on the Order Confirmation/ Purchase Order/ Invoice email that goes out.

The thread I found was http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=100061.0 and it does contain some good info, but still lacking specifics. Just want to try again to see if more specifics can be spelled out. I know that you can complete the editing of such said email that goes to your customers, as stated above, by following this specific path (VM 2.0 ONLY) /public_html/components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/tmpl. Once you get there though who is to guess which file and where to edit or add text to the email itself. Which file should I choose to edit. Now these files are php, so unless you know php, your gonna be lost as I am (hopefully for not much longer).  :)