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Show prices only for registered users?

Started by nullachtfuffzehn, February 02, 2012, 13:47:37 PM

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I need to display prices only for registered users. Unregistered users should only see the product description. How do I manage that? Couldn't find any topic about it and documatation as well.


You can define that in the vmconfig for the whole shop and per shoppergroup.
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I tried without succes to display product price for only one group.

So what do you mean by "vmconfig" ? Does it a file or a back end parameter ?

Best regards


you have to have 2 shopper groups.

1st "anonomous" group should be set to NO prices


Thanks for your answer so it's not ok.
I don't see prices when i'm not logged -> it's what i want.
When i log to joomla (i use joomla standard connection i hope it's OK) as a user with shopper status in Virtuemart affected to a group which have all price and label checked, no price are displayed.

To explain simply what i try to reach is : When a user is not logged as a registered shopper, he can see product but not the price. When he is logged, he can see all price.

So in below, parameters used in my configuration's shop :

In shop tab

  • Use s a catalog                            -> not checked
In configuration i have in Price Tab :

  • Price Configuration                          -> ckecked
    Show the price label for packaging?  -> not checked
w Tax in Cart                            -> checked

In shopper group name anonymous

  • Enable shoppergroup specific price display    -> not checked
    Show Prices                                               -> not checked
    All other next options                                 -> not checked

In shopper group name Gold Level (group where my user is)

  • All price option are checked.

Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks a lot for your answer,

Best regards



I had the same issue and somehow the settings in VM's config weren't as straight-forward as well.
Managed to get this fixed through the following settings but take note that the "add to cart" button still appears for unregistered users (which I haven't figured out how to fix).

Configuration > Pricing
Show Prices - Check
Final Salesprice - Show label only
Membergroup to show prices to - Check

Shopper Group
Enable shoppgroup specific price display - check
Show Prices - Check
Final Salesprice - Show Price & Label

Under my shopper group, I've only got "Registered Users", I removed everything else since this site does not allow online registration.
I hope that helps...let me know if you still can't get it to show, I believe these are these settings should achieve what you require.


A little Up ?
Does anyone have experienced this behaviour ?

Thanks for your answer.


Don't quite understand what you mean by "a little up"...


I am using Joomla 2.5.3 and Virtuemart 2.0.2.

I am so confused by this question.  Are you able to show products without prices to those that are not logged in registered users?  And then have them log in and see the prices?

I am doing a wholesale site and they do not want the retail consumers to see what the products sell for wholesale.  Registered Users are a controlled list.

There are a lot of settings in Virtuemart for Configuration of Pricing and then some for shopper groups.  I can't seem to get the right mix to make this work.  Please help!



This should be simple: A setting for showing prices only to registered users.
Instead of all of these different prices and shopper groups (that I cannot get to work anyhow).
Come on guys - why are you making it so complicated?


Bump - I guess that is a little up  ;)

I have tried all sorts of combinations with no luck.
Can anyone help?

Guests see no prices, registered users see prices - how to achieve this?

So easy in previous versions  :'(


Need this very urgent too
How are the corect settings

Guest => Dont show prices
Logged in => show Prices

Joomla 2.5
Virtuemart 2.0.10



I have it working - Virtuemart 2.0.10.
Define a shopper group (i.e. Wholesale) and check both "Enable shoppergroup specific price display" and "Show Prices" for that specific shopper group. Also check "Show Price" for each price type you want to appear for this shopper group.
All of your users must be part of this shopping group.

The not logged in users are part of a group called "-anonymous-". The settings for this group should be:
Enable shoppergroup specific price display    - Checked
Show Prices    - Unchecked
The "Show price" for the all the price types below is unchecked.

Finally, in Configuration->Pricing everything is checked under "Show Following Prices".

This way only the logged in users can see the prices.
Unfortunately the "Add to cart" buttons are still visible to all, but here is a hack that I'll try later: