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Upgrade to 2.0.12b broken links to VM front page on main menu item?

Started by s.willett, October 13, 2012, 17:34:58 PM

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Just upgraded VM via CP to the latest version and this has broken the relation link between the SHOP menu itme and the linked VM FRONT PAGE this was pointing too?

Any ideas?


Well, I am not quite sure if this fully relates to your problem but I recently spent much time trying to find out where the items on my VM Shop Front Page had gone.   I do not intend to go back again to check it out but here is my experience.

I had copied the Web pages and database from a local Win Server 2003/IIS6 to a remote Linux/Apache system.  The local system had been updated to VM2.0.12b on JM2.5.7 - the VM Front page, set on Main Menu, displayed Description and Categories.  Yet the same set of files uploaded showed a blank Front Page.  I assumed it was something to do with the difference environments so I cross-checked all of the system config elements, also every VM config pages (all were the same).

However I then happened to notice in VM Configuration | Templates that (in the right side) VirtueMart Home Page Settings included 2 items "Show Store Description" and "Show Categories" and they were not ticked in either site!  So, I ticked these two items on the remote site and up came the Front Page items!

I do not know why the local site was displaying the items even though they were not ticked in the config.  It may seem that it depended on how the VM update was performed.  Anyway, I now have the Front Page items shown correctly in the remote site that was a simple copy..  I hope this may help, but your problem may be different.

JM2.5.7, VM2.0.12b


As mentioned in the release notes:  "big enhancement for homepage settings" so you have more control over what is shown and how.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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