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Search for products that don't have an image in SQL????

Started by kittmaster, August 28, 2012, 23:08:12 PM

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Is there a way to find which products don't have at least one image?  I used CSVI to do a bulk import of 78K products, and I know that I have at least 20 products out of that missing their images for renaming reasons which I didn't account for.  I need to search for those products that don't have their product image.......what is the fastest way to do this?

Even viewing 400 per page, that's 195 pages to parse through.....

Can someone give some advice on how to find these needles in a haystack?



Hi kittmaster,

You may need to write your own SQL query...  :-[

The up side is there's a well documented tutorial here:
The down side is: you say you're no good at SQL... I wasn't either, but then I learnt.

NB: the last tip at the bottom of the instruction page is awesome... it'll output your query as text, which you would grab and paste into the "SQL" window in PHPMyAdmin -> it's here where SQL validates your queries and tells you of errors. Great learning tool.

Good luck.