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VM2 & Jm2.5 No VM component!?

Started by godskitchen, July 27, 2012, 11:24:35 AM

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I have installed the latest version of VM on a Joomla 2.5 having previously had no problems with VM 1.9 & J1.7 etc.

I can see via the backend of my admin in joomla the VM component and the AOI but when i click on them its goes to a blankpage so its as if there is no shop!?, also it came up with a gif omage of "Go To The Shop" and again that didnt work. Has anyone else experienced this and can anyone please point me or help ;-/



I think I had this once and it had to do with the template - could you just change it to something else. like the standard ones.
maybe just maybe


 :-\ hi i changed to a default Joomla template and on the frontend i can see VM Shopping Cart, VM Search In Shop And VM Currency Selector but in the backend when i go to the compenent all i get is a blank screen still ;-/ I cant see no backend Joomla VM component, i can see every other component. modules, plugins etc and it is showing as if its there but when i click it it goes off to a blank page :-(



Oh and i also get this on the frontend

Info: Assign the component VirtueMart to a menu item"