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Category without thumb image, just text

Started by bestcons, May 31, 2012, 21:44:05 PM

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Although I expect this to be a simple question, I could not find an earlier post.
My website has a large amount of Categories, each including several Products, in my case being images.
Now I want to show these Categories as a list of items, just text. So NO thumb images. This was exactly the case in VM 1.1.
I expect this to be possible by just setting parameters, not by changing code.
Please advice.

Kind regards,


you cannot do it without changing code,


Any suggestion how to change the code?




Hi Bestcons,
I have a solution for this that is so simply it just stupid.  :o

If you go to joomla/components/com_virtuemart/assets/images/vmgeneral/ you can download the noimage.gif.
Resize the image to 90px by 5px and erase the image so it is blank. Then replace the original image gif with this new gif on the server.
Now there is a small blank image under the text when you have no image for that category.

Cheers and hope that helps,
It worked for me.
