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Sidemenu and minicard disappear after continue shopping.

Started by Mikeymore, June 11, 2012, 19:18:01 PM

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Hello all,

My site:
Joomla 2.5.4 and VM 2.0.6

Everything works fine, except that the Sidemenu and minicard in my left column disappear after clicking continue shopping or empty the card. Give it a try!

I see in the url that when clicking first time on webshop there is also an Item id=151 and this is missing in the url after continue shopping, so the menu and minicard disappear I guess?

How can I fix this problem?

I also have installed sh404SEF, but not activated yet because of an error (I am mailing with the support of them) -> can this gives problems as well after activating the SEF?



I had a look at your site ?

I  think you have changed the template as there is nothing on the left column

nor does continue shopping actually appear?

Menu items will appear when you have set them in the back end to appear on every page or on none , or on only pages selected.
These are in module Joomla settings?



the minicard is only showing up when clicked on webshop in the topmenu. In de right column there is a sidemenu and a minicart. When adding a product the card is updating (went not good yet, but I am contacting the maker) and when refresh the page you can click: go to card. When in the card left (the VM card) and you change or delete a product, both the minicard as the sidemenu disappear.

It has i.m.o. nothing to do with my menu module settings, cause as far as I can see they are right. The sidemenu is on at everypage and that worked well. Also at start <all> and all submenu's (in the sidemenu settings) so thats good I guess.

The only problem is that usual is after clicking first time on menu webshop, there is also an item iD=152 in the url. And that show both sidemenu and minicard. When continue shopping, the url is the same, except for the itemid=152, so the menu disappears i.m.o.

Am I right? What can I do about it? Maybe an extra php code in the cart or minicard tmpl?

Thanks in advance!



Yes the mini cart does disappear when the main cart is showing .  Yes it is supposed to do that?

Yes the cart only shows up when you click the cart . Yes it is supposed to do that?

The first time on every browser _ explorer, firefox, chrome ?  it jumps to this page perfectly when I click the shop menu

For me there is no item ID 152 ??  it goes to the shop perfectly .

If I click a product ( no message in any language shows up that says "continue shopping" ) you can turn this on an off in configuration.

I think you need to add more products - in other categories to test this more.

Sorry - it appears to work as it should?


Thanks John for the explanation!

I changed the minicard from 3th party to another and it works exactly as I like.

So problem solved!