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target problems with category links

Started by Kikmedia, June 10, 2012, 10:57:32 AM

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Hello all,
I am new to the forum and to VirtueMart. I was asked to take over a old 1.5 Joomla site with a virtueMart shop and convert it to a joomla 2.5 site. I managed to migrate everything into the 2.5 site and to rebuild the old 1.5 template. Now I have 1 final problem which I cant seem to solve. When I select a virtuemart catergory as a menu item, everytime i click on that link the content does show up in the content position but it also messes up the whole design. It is as if the whole site is loaded into that position instead of just the category items.

Am I missing something in the configuration? Can somebody please help me. I know that this is a forum that has been around for some while and that i maybe posted a question that has been asked before but I just cant seem to find it.

The website in question is:
When you press on any of the links to the left you will know what I mean.

Thanks in Advance


I could really use some help here :) Is there anybody that knows what to do?


Looks like a joomla issue where you have only one column set ?

You could set this in Joomla once - maybe change the template as a test and see what happens.