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Bug in Vendor address / email?

Started by GUHU, May 09, 2012, 22:42:58 PM

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if I am logged in with an account, the corresponding email address of this account is printed in the vendor address (for an example, in the invoice or at the 'about'-website) instead of the vendor email adress entered in the adminstration menu of virtuemart.

For an example, in the PDF invoice the address is printed like:

Shop name

Same at the website (about).

I think the email is populated wrong. Ist this a bug or understand i something wrong?

Thanks in advance, Guhu

PS: VM 2.0.6, Joomla 2.5.4


Might be best to show us a picture of the Bug?

I 'm not sure what you mean?


I have same problem...

F.E. on Contact page or about vendor is just under company name email of user curently loged in. It's supposed to be there still same email of shop owner.
When nobody is loged in, there is no email address.

Can you help me?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Exactly the same problem as described before: using Joomla 2.5.4 and VirtueMart 2.0.6
Thanks in advance for a solution
greetings flor