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Checkout in Steps

Started by groentjie, March 28, 2012, 16:44:24 PM

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My client wants a checkout with clear steps, the current steps are too confusing for a lot of standard webshop users. Too many options!!!
For myself I like a one page checkout sytem like

Right now, I add a product to the cart, First I have to fill in my details for automatic shipping and payment, but in the cart summary there already is a possibility to click shipment but that does not work because its based on country, so someone clicks and no options. Same for payment. Ok si I fill in my details, is possible shipment is automatically filled, if not and I click confirm (people think they are finished) than I go to select shipment, after the shipment I go back to the summary and confirm again and than go to payment.

I believe and hope this is possible already that, the possibilty to change shipment or payment should be on the final checkout. stage. when I'm in the summary there should be a button for my details (billto) one for shipto. than go straight to shipment, select shipment , than go straight to payment, select payment and than have a final summary with possibility to change shipment or payment and than confirm order.

If possible please tell me how



Every customer I talked to lately thinks the checkout is confusing at this moment. I also saw some forum posts regarding this matter


I do not have a solution but I must say the old method (VM1) allowed more difference in the checkout steps. Even though I like the one page checkouts I think this one is a bit confusing. It can be fixed with good templating I believe.


The component by the onepagecheckout is one that works.


I have also said this in the past, the current checkout is too confusing for customers, a simple one page or maybe max 2 pages would be sufficient but its gets a bit silly when theres tons of pages. Turns good business away from your website
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