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VM 2.0.2 error after installation and mirgration product details not showing

Started by waagnat, March 17, 2012, 18:36:56 PM

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just tried for a couple of hours to migrate.
Joomla 1.5 (test system with 2.5 as well)

When I do the migration of the data everything looks fine. When I selects the categories I see the right number of products yet all with NO IMAGE AND NO SHORT DESCRIPTION. When clicking on the details button I don't have access to the detailed description either.

This goes for the sample data as well.

I see the products correct in the backend and I can access them correctly thru special offerings or latest products.

        vmdebug self::$_jpConfig->lang de_de
        vmdebug vmTime: loadConfig db no: 0.011999845504761
        vmdebug Start used Ram 5.25M
        vmdebug my $limitStart 0 $limit 10 q Var1:

        SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  * FROM `jos_virtuemart_products_de_de` as l JOIN `jos_virtuemart_products` AS p using (`virtuemart_product_id`) LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_product_categories` ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `jos_virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_product_id`
        LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_categories_de_de` as c ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = `jos_virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `jos_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups`.`virtuemart_product_id`
        LEFT  OUTER JOIN `jos_virtuemart_shoppergroups` as s ON s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` = `jos_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` WHERE ( p.`published`="1"  AND  `jos_virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` = 1 AND (s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "3" OR (s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`) IS NULL )) group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY p.virtuemart_product_id ASC

        vmdebug vmTime: VirtuemartControllerCategory Finished task : 0.14000010490417
        vmdebug End used Ram 8.75M
        vmdebug Peak memory peak 8.75M

the code is from my testinstall on a fresh 2.5 joomla

Adrian Cumpanasu

I have a similar problem. I wasn't expecting it. And lost visitors for almost an hour till I figured it out partly.
Pictures aren't showing because you must enter in shop - media files and publish them all. This is a major issue that developers maybe forgot to solve.

Also, my product page was blank. I tried to correct the default.php in productdetails template but with no impact. I realised after that I had a customised view and even if I chose default it did not reflect in behaviour.
SO I deleted myview.php(my customized view) and renamed default.php to myview.php.

I don't know it all, but this worked for me now. I also had some missing images but I can handle replacing.

I suggest developers to include some text instructions in the update package.

I have attached also an image after installing update the second time, because I thought maybe it didn't installl OK the first time. Maybe it says something for a pro.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
free Love PSD:


I gave up ;). A new fresh install was neccessary. Well... It was faster


I'm facing the same problem, in fact none of the solutions mentioned above helped.

It seems that some variables are not provided correctly.

The following parametres are working:

- category description is processed correctly
- category title is shown correctly
- number of products is correct
- access to product details via "latest products" or "featured products" modules is possible

This doesn't work:
- No pictures shown
- no product titles shown
- no product title shown
- link to "details" ends up on main page (seems that the suffix is not provided correctly)

It appears to me that some configuration is messed up - but only the one affecting the very product handling.
Changes to the category template are not successful. The whole old VM (1.9.8J) has been deleted prior to the installatioon of the new 2.0.2. The tables have been partially migrated (users only), the rest has been manually updated.

I even deactivated all VM related options in JoomFish, as I assumed a possible mess-up due to the new multi-language function in VM.

Maybe someone has a hint where to look for the actual code processing? Is there anything that can influence from the Joomla core?

You may see the non-working elements here:
This is a testing environment and thus not productive.

Joomla! 1.5.23
VM 2.0.2

Thanks for your quick help and suggestions for solutions!


I could figure out that the error must be somehow in the database, as it's not linked to any files. (did several testing environments).

anybody knows which tables could be affected? seems there simply are some entries missing or broken ...

thanks for your help!


I have the exact same problem as nobynobs. Re-installing didn't help.
A direct link to the product detail page does work (or searching for it)
The information is there, it's simply not showing in the product list..

If some one knows a solution, please let me know


Quote from: costisefu on March 23, 2012, 12:55:42 PM
media files and publish them all. This is a major issue that developers maybe forgot to solve.
I suggest developers to include some text instructions in the update package.

This was in the notes. But we want to display an iframe in the ars to display the important notes for updaters, directly in vm2

Quote from: costisefu on March 23, 2012, 12:55:42 PM
Also, my product page was blank. I tried to correct the default.php in productdetails template but with no impact. I realised after that I had a customised view and even if I chose default it did not reflect in behaviour.
You used the template overrides? You did your own view?

Quote from: nobynobs on April 01, 2012, 00:36:39 AM
It appears to me that some configuration is messed up - but only the one affecting the very product handling.
Changes to the category template are not successful. The whole old VM (1.9.8J) has been deleted prior to the installatioon of the new 2.0.2. The tables have been partially migrated (users only), the rest has been manually updated.

I think you missed the right order for the updates. Because 1.9.8J was working without multilanguage and vm2.0.2 dont has the update tools for it (we needed space for the installer)  Please read here: , you may contact me via pn. Always eager to learn something new about the migration :-)
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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shortly, me too.
Products have all been imported but can't see title, or detail link is blank (j1.5.26 vm 2.0.6)
i followed the above procedure for migrating (from 1.1.3) but for installing sample data

Now we're trying a fresh 2.5 install with cvsimproved

thanks for any suggest