What payment processors will auto-change order status to confirmed?

Started by Bonzlee, April 23, 2012, 19:36:42 PM

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I've combed the Virtuemart forums but can't find a direct answer to this question. We have a client that we built a Joomla site with Virtumart. He is using FirstData payment processor. But FirstData does not have an API that will talk back to Virtuemart. So the client has to wait for email from FirstData to confirm the payment went through, then go into Virtuemart to manually set order to confirmed. If he wants to cancel an order, he has to login to FirstData to refund the person's money.

We want to switch payment processors and I see that Authorize.net is one of the most popular. Will it auto-change the order status to confirmed once the payment has gone through? And if the client changes an order to cancelled, will it refund the person's money?

If Authorize.net won't do this, what payment processors will (besides PayPal)?
