iStraxx product download pluging not able to save custom field

Started by kyrian, October 09, 2015, 15:10:58 PM

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Since I have no reply from the support, I try my luck there.

I moved from J2.5 to J3.4.4. Everything works great, the custom field is setup but when I want to add it to the product page, each time I save, my parameters are removed.

In the Global Configuration I put "Error Reporting"  to "development" and here is the error in the backend on the page product :

QuoteStrict Standards: Declaration of plgVmCustomSt42_download::display3rdInfo() should be compatible with vmPlugin::display3rdInfo($intro, $developer, $contactlink, $manlink) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 959

Database table structure is up to date.
I uninstall, reinstall the VM component and the plugin, but the error still there.

Don't know if I have to buy the product again to have support.

Hope you can help.
VirtueMart 3.0.10 | Joomla! 3.4.4 | PHP 5.4
