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Paypal Error due to input character set

Started by hkyklai, May 23, 2012, 07:27:20 AM

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Hi All,

I am setting up an e-shop using Joomla 2.5.4 and Virtuemart 2.0.6 with multi-language - English and Traditional Chinese.

Also, I have set up Paypal Sandbox for testing.

When the cart is checked out under English language environment, the Paypal can successfully direct to the Paypal payment screen and everything seems smooth.

When the cart is checked out under Chinese language, the following message occurs when it tries to direct to the Paypal screen :

"Data does not match input character set or default encoding. For more information, please contact the merchant." and payment cannot be processed.

In the Paypal Sandbox, I have checked the language encoding setting and the above warning still occurs no matter whether I select English or Chinese as the website language in profile configuration.

I repeat the test with real-life Paypal and same result occurs (i.e. problem with Paypal redirect when cart is checked out under Chinese.)

Would anyone have hint on solving it?

Many thanks in advance.