Shipment for Virtual Products - choose which downloadable product? no link!

Started by mulcamd, March 19, 2012, 21:49:38 PM

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I have developed a software program. It is a downloadable product and I bought the plug-in for that.

I have 4 versions, but the functionality is exactly the same: one for Apple OS-X and one for Windows, each have a 32 and 64 bit version.
So the product description is the same.
I want the buyer to select which of the 4 versions he/she wants to download.

In Virtuemart 1.x I had 2 attributes: OS {Apple, Windows} and Bit version {32, 64}.
Attributes with Stock Control (Child and Parent Products).
So I made 4 child products, yet in my shop only 1 product description was visible and the buyers could choose from a dropbox.

Question: how can I setup this in Virtuemart 2.x with the "Shipment for Virtual Products" plug-in?


Solved with the new plgvm_st42_download1.0.3 version.

Yet there are now download links for every virtual product, see topic

Like VM1 a shopper should choose the appropriate version from a dropdown list and get only a link for that version.
Users should get updates for that version. That should be possible.