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How to set up mp3 sales in virtuemart.

Started by adonismedia, May 14, 2012, 11:08:50 AM

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Hi Guys
am very new to this, i am using joomla 2.5 and VM2. trying to allow client to sell music on VM2. Can someone send me brief instructions on how to do this?. when they buy a mp3 how do they download it?

Kind Regards



Can Anybody help? Am totally new to this! just trying to sell digital products on VM2 using joomla 2.5. all the tutorials are for VM1. Can  somebody give me instructions on how to upload and sell digital products? and sell them. is there a plugin for to allow the customer to download it aswell?

Kind Regards



Joomla V3.5.1
Virtuemart V3.0.16


Looks like i am needing a plugin for customer to download the mp3, but when creating a new product in vm2 where do i upload the mp3 to the product? how do i attach the mp3 to the product?



I've never used this plugin so I don't know.  If you are purchasing the plugin, then it's best to ask the developers or I'm sure there'll be a manual in the plugin to help you. I assume the plugin options will probably be shown in the product pages.  Good luck.
Joomla V3.5.1
Virtuemart V3.0.16


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Thanks for that but when i am adding a product and i want to upload the mp3 from my mac where is it i upload it about, same as where the images are uploaded in the product?? or do i have to upload it somewhere else.
ive never down digital goods so if you could send me an idiots instructions on how to do it would be much appreciated.


I read the pdf instructions and your are right, I can't see where to upload the file, for example mp3 file. The manual is not that clear. Hopefully one day, this could be part of the VM installation.  You may need to go directly to the plugin to upload file. Not sure, maybe jenkinhill might know.
Joomla V3.5.1
Virtuemart V3.0.16


Yeh its not clear on where about to upload your mp3 in the product and how to attach it to your product for customers to see on the frontend, hopefully someone gets back to me with instructions. 



VM configuration/Templates/Media Files Settings/Safe Path
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum