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What is this "" doing in my module source code?

Started by michi3000, March 14, 2012, 10:33:59 AM

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Hi guys,

i discovered following problem in my module source code.

<div class="moduletable">
     " "
      <div class="vmgroup">

What are those " " doing in my source code? I didn't add them ;-)

The problem is, these "" causing a space between the module headline and the module content. And because there are no tags around it, i can't simply hide em with CSS (display:none;) If i turn them temp. off in the chrome developer tools, the space ist gone! The strange thing for me is that these "" are not in the rendered output, they are only in the source code!? At least i would expect them to be seen under my h3, but they aren't! Very strange!

Does anybody has a clue where these "" coming from? Where in the VM source code can i find this.

Thank you!



are you using the most current version?

template override?

there was a UTF-8 BOM in some files that caused this, but now its fixed


i'm getting exactly the same problem... thou i don't even see the " "  in my source code. i can only see it using firebug, were after the module title ("h3" tag) i get the strange code "&#65279;" . This is probably an UTF-8 BOM. I can't even search it in google. it results in an empty search.

is there any way to fix this. does anyone knows how to fix this?

the module in question is VM Category, at least for now.

my control panel says i have the latest release: 2.0.2
i'm using joomla 2.5.1